Publisher:赵宇明  Time2016-06-17 View:8188


4th International Symposium and Workshop on

Acoustics and Vibration

25-29 July, 2016, Harbin, China


The 4th International Symposium and Workshop on Acoustics and Vibration (ISWAV) will take place from July 25 to 29, 2016, in Harbin, China. ISWAV is a focused symposium where experts in the fields of acoustics and vibration convene to discuss and exchange ideas in current and emerging areas of research. The symposium also emphasizes pre-conference workshops with strong tutorial values for participants and students. Workshop topics are chosen to relate closely to the current theme of ISWAV, and the keynote speeches enable participants to gain the most understanding from the various discussions throughout the entire symposium. ISWAV 2016 welcomes contributions to support the thematic topic of Advances in the Fundamentals and Applications of Vibro-Acoustics. The venue for ISWAV 2016 is the Activity Center on the campus of Harbin Institute of Technology in the scenic cultural city and summer resort of Harbin.

Conference Contents

The themes of the Conference are:
 • Theoretical foundations of linear and non-linear acoustics and vibration
 • Multiphysics and/or multiscale coupling and representation
 • Multiphysics and/or multiscale interactions
 • Analysis methods of multiscale multiphysics
 • Aeroacoustics
 • Underwater acoustics
 • Building Acoustics and Seismic Response
 • Bioacoustics
 • Sound source localization and wave separation
 • Modelling and visualization of sound waves and sound fields
 • Acoustic metamaterials
 • Acoustic waves
 • Nearfield acoustic holography
 • Noise and vibration control
 • Vibration analysis of discrete and continuous systems
 • Signal processing, monitoring and diagnosis based on acoustics and vibration
 • Nonlinear dynamics
 • Numerical simulation and modelling
 • Health monitoring and management of machines and structures
 • Sustainable engineering
 • Acoustics and vibration in Industry
 • Equipment and software innovations
 • Industrial case studies of acoustics and vibration

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Alexander F. Vakakis, University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, USA

Prof. Yang-Hann Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea

Prof. You-Lin Xu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong, China

Dr. Cyrille Breard, Noise & Emission Manager at Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, China

Abstract or Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit either 2-page extended abstracts or full papers. Accepted abstracts and papers will be published in indexed proceedings. The International Scientific Committee particularly encourages submission of work by students to compete for the Best Student Paper Award.


Attendees of ISWAV are invited to submit their papers or at least two page abstracts to convert their presentations into research papers and to submit them for peer review to either Shock and Vibration or the Journal of Multiscale Modelling for possible publication in special issues after the conference.

Important Deadlines:

Abstract/Paper submission deadline:July 1, 2016

Notification of acceptance:July 8, 2016

Early registration deadline:July 20, 2016

Registration check-in:July 25, 2016

Tutorial Workshops:July 26, 2016

Technical Presentations:July 27, 2016

Technical Presentations:July 28, 2016

Tour:July 29, 2016

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